“Some experts estimate that up to 50 percent of commercial and residential irrigation water use goes to waste due to evaporation, wind, improper system design, or overwatering.”
Irrigation Management Solutions LLC is a water management consulting business specializing in landscape irrigation systems. Our main goal is to help clients start conserving water and saving money by insuring their irrigation systems are working as efficiently as possible. Based in Charlottesville, Virginia, we serve clients throughout the continental United States.
When designed properly, irrigation will promote, protect, and enhance the quality of your landscape. Unfortunately, poor irrigation design often has the opposite effect. As much as 70 – 80% of all plant problems are related to incorrect watering. We can furnish you with a comprehensive irrigation design to insure the long-term health and viability of your landscape investment.
With an existing irrigation system, we provide the expertise necessary to identify and correct any and all efficiency issues. I am a C.L.I.A. (certified landscape irrigation auditor) with over 25 years of experience in all aspects of the irrigation industry. We will supply the management tools needed to operate your system based on actual weather conditions. Our services can include a simple system inspection, a full irrigation audit, monthly base schedules, or the specification and implementation of a weather based controller technology with remote monitoring and adjustment.
Water is a vital and limited resource. In the United States we have one of the highest population growth rates of any industrialized country. This is reflected in the dramatic rise in water and sewer rates across the country. Maintaining landscapes and lawns accounts for approximately 60% of domestic use. Reducing the amount of water used for lawn and landscape maintenance is essential for protecting current and future water supplies.
Scott DuncanCLIA Irrigation Management Solutions, LLC
Irrigation and Water Management News
The American Prospect (May 2008) Here is a great article detailing the ongoing water problem experienced last year in the Southwest. I especially like the summary statement in the last paragraph, “Ample evidence from cities not only in the West but all over the country shows that smart water use, including conservation, efficiency, and behavioral […]
National Geographic (Aug. 19, 2014) This article does a good job of explaining what is happening with the underground water aquifers in the United States and why we should be concerned. Droughts are forcing us to rely more and more on these aquifers instead of surface water sources. They are being depleted at alarming rates. […]
West’s historic drought stokes fears of water crisis (Washington Post, Aug. 17, 2014) Two things jump out to me in this extensive article about the drought in the Soutwestern United States. First, the sheer size of the area (a dozen states) that is affected. Secondly, the fact that the short term shift to groundwater in […]
Water scarcity drives US communities toward smarter use recycling (Bloomberg News, March 24, 2014) This article talks at length about the need to change our current single pipe distribution system and how much water we are not reusing. Although it does emphasize the need to change our approach and the need to recycle our water […]